Sunday, March 25, 2012



(A short novella)

When forensic psychiatrist Abigail Lee meets a baby-killing mother who has been declared criminally insane and acquitted, she discovers something lurking beneath the surface. Something far deeper and more insidious than mere psychopathy. But can she come to terms with her own struggle with science and faith in time to confront it?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Zombie Syndrome: A Space Horror Novel

Zombie Syndrome: A Space Horror Novel Review

Zoe, a gifted telepath aboard the Odyssey space vessel is awakened to the sounds of screaming. The crew has succumbed to the deadly alien parasite which they picked up on a remote desert planet. Barely surviving the ordeal, Zoe utilizes the freezing chambers in the cryogenics laboratory and sends out a telepath distress call to anyone nearby. Light years away, Ida, a failed telepath aboard the salvage ship Argo hears the call and alerts her captain. Fearless, Captain Titus heads for the ship, promising his crew excessive credits for the missing vessel. But as they board the Odyssey they failed to realize it had been taken over by an alien species using humans as a host. Prepare for deep space horror, thrilling adventure, a malfunctioning Salvation robot, plasma sabers, and spider parasites capable of turning humans into flesh hungry zombies.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ouija Be My Friend? - Horror and Mystery Short Story

Ouija Be My Friend? - Horror and Mystery Short Story Review

When twin sisters are stuck trying to entertain themselves while visiting with their grandfather at a nursing home, they find there is far more to an old Ouija board then just a fun time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anything Can Be Dangerous

Anything Can Be Dangerous Review

Anything Can be Dangerous contains four amazing stories, plus a preview to the highly praised novel Husk, by Matt Hults. The stories include:

Anything can be Dangerous ~ the simple things in life can kill.

Through the Valley of Death ~ a dark vampire story that will make you remember fear.

The Finger ~ zombie literature has never been so extraordinary.

Feeding Frenzy ~ lunchtime in a place called Hell.

Husk ~ this is what people are saying about Husk:

"Matt Hults delivers a crackling, creepy tale. A fast-paced read with a generous body count, 'Husk' will make your skin crawl."
-Scott Nicholson, Bestselling author of They Hunger

"Remember the first time you read Joe Lansdale's The Drive-In, or Freezer Burn? Remember how exhilarated you felt as you tore through the pages as Lansdale kept knocking your jaw to the floor with his endless inventiveness, unexpected belly-laughs, and those even more unexpected moments of terror and pathos? Miss that feeling of being completely at the mercy of a writer's imagination and boundless energy for his subject? Fret no more, friends-you now have Matt Hults's Husk. This sucker is the real thing, an in-your-face, rollicking, scary, funny, and unexpectedly poignant potpourri of a horror story, an unabashed and unapologetic throwback to the early pulps infused with a vindictive modern-day sensibility that will have your head spinning and your mouth hanging open. It doesn't get any more fun than this."
-Gary A. Braunbeck, winner of the Bram Stoker Award and International Horror Guild Award, author of Coffin County and Destinations Unknown

"Suspenseful and gruesome, with just the right leavening of hopefulness and nod-wink humor."
-Dr. Kim Paffenroth, Bram Stoker Award Winner for Dying to Live.

"Husk is wild, bloody, scary, action-packed, and entertaining as hell. Matt Hults seems to be having a blast telling his tale, and I had a blast going along for the ride. Great fun!"
-Jeff Strand, Bram Stoker Nominated Author of PRESSURE

"'Husk' is a chilling and relentless tale that will make you want to check your closets, lock your windows and keep an eye in your review mirror...but don't think that'll save you!"
--Fran Friel, Bram Stoker Nominated Author of Mama's Boy

"Husk is violent, intense and terrifying. The characters are as real as you and I, and every triumph is rapturous while every death is harrowing. Matt Hults proves himself as a master of the genre with his striking debut novel. It will leave you feeling skinned alive and dying for more."
-Joel A. Sutherland, Bram Stoker Nominated Author of Frozen Blood

"I have come across some pretty mind-blowing demons on paper, on the big screen, and especially in my mind. But the 'Husk' Matt Hults created in this his first novel breaks all my thresholds for fear, and believe me I have built some pretty sound barriers in my time."
-Giovanna Lagana, author of With Black & White Comes the Grey

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Underneath Review

For Dean Lovell, the nightmare begins with a dare that comes with the promise of violence if he chickens out: He must ask out on a date the school pariah, a horribly disfigured girl named Stephanie Watts. Dean agrees, and soon learns that there is more to Stephanie than anyone dared imagine, that beneath the scars, there are terrifying secrets underneath...

A short story from the Bram Stoker Award-winning author of THE TURTLE BOY.

***WARNING: Contains some scenes of violence and strong language***

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

OPEN: A Short Horror Tale

OPEN: A Short Horror Tale Review

A stop at a roadside diner on a dark desolate road forces a man to face his horrific past and come to terms with what he had done. He must face death itself and make a decision that will affect his eternity. How far will he go to escape his current fate despite the terrible consequences it may cause?

Find yourself a comfy seat and enjoy this short tale of love and horror.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fire From Heaven: A Horror Novel

Fire From Heaven: A Horror Novel Review


Written By Pator Jomo K. Johnson

Jacob Collin's Church hasn't been the same since the economic collapse of his hometown Flint Michigan during the 1980's. Throughout the following years, crime and poverty have turned the once upscale Church into a shadow of its former self. Despite his best efforts to revive the city, the seasoned Pastor begins to question his calling.

After a series of assaults on his congregants, Jacob decides that it is too costly to turn the other cheek. In his anger, he publicly curses the neighborhood where the assaults happened, by praying that God destroy the area. Two days later the area suffers a tragic fire that leaves many in the neighborhood dead. Jacob is shocked to see his words fulfilled. He is even more amazed when the survivors of the fire flock to the Church to seek God's forgiveness and reconciliation.

When Jacob learns the true cause of the fire, he must choose to allow the city to believe a lie or continue with a ministry of vengeance, knowing that the secret could be his undoing.

Friday, March 2, 2012

SKIN CRAWL : Darkly Erotic Horror Stories

SKIN CRAWL : Darkly Erotic Horror Stories Review

SKIN CRAWL is a short story collection of deviant, dark, erotic horror by Alex Severin. Let that be a warning! This is NOT a romance book or straight-up erotica. This is erotica for the demented. Please download a sample and try before you buy to see if it's your cup of tea.

Featuring online favorites that launched Severin into the horror underground a decade ago, little seen micro-press anthology orphans, and an exclusive, never before published short story.

SKIN CRAWL runs the gamut from a priest with an unHoly obsession with his Virgin Mary statue, a romantic pair of necrophiliacs, a beastly old magician with very strange eyes, to a proud, but unusual surrogate mother, this is raw, uncompromising erotic horror at its darkest.

TABLE OF CONTENTS - (Descriptions in parenthises to address inaccurate story descriptions in a customer review.)

Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb (Virgin Mary Obsession)
In the Flesh (Necrophilia)
Premature (Serial Killer)
Romancing the Dead (Necrophilia)
The Blair (Spooky Old House)
Fuckhead (Car Wreck)
The Surrogate (Graveyard Sex)
The Man with the Absinthe Eyes (Surreal Horror)
Coyote Bang (Coyote Skull Fetish)
Ripened Fruit (Erotic Horror with Grigori Rasputin)

Excerpts from SKIN CRAWL -

His coarse fingers probed the wet silk of her cunt; her face contorted with equal amounts of disgust and pleasure.

The matted beard of her lover scraped against the peach of her cheek as she forced down her rising gorge, her nostrils under assault from the stench of the rancid morsels of days-old food that nested there. A wave of nausea washed over her but the fluttering of her eyelids and the gasp in her throat could not deny the skill of his hand.

She pulled him close to her and felt his hot sermon in her ear, his divine wisdom seeping into her, feeding her, soothing her like a warm injection.

He crept away from the quiet cottage, parents gently snoring in their bedroom, then belted down the road at full speed; his pulse throbbed in his ears with excitement.

He reached the house in a few minutes and stood at the bottom of the drive, staring at the darkened windows.

There were shapes moving in those windows, whispers penetrating the night air and filtering over to him as he stood there.

He couldn't decipher what they were saying but he didn't like it. The whispers made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

The whispers were about grown up things, things he didn't know about, but knew enough that he shouldn't be listening to them.

He wanted to leave but he couldn't move, couldn't prise himself from the spot, couldn't even scream when he realized there was a man standing in the shadows under a tree, just a few feet away from him. He'd been there the whole time, watching him while he watched the shadows in the window and listened to the whispers in the dark.

The man lunged forward and grabbed him by the arm, forced a palm over his mouth.

“You shouldn't be here, boy. This is no place for you. This is a bad place, a bad place for everybody.”

“Be still. You are not yet ready to move. You must allow yourself become familiar with your new condition.”

He looked at the man, eyes squinting

“My new condition?” he croaked, his throat dry, vocal cords violin-tight and coated with panic.

The man was vaguely familiar; he had seen that hideous, yet compelling face before, and that insane gaze. Black and white photographs with sinister captions came to mind. He had visions of devout worshipers at his feet and Latin phrases echoing off stone walls in the torch-lit gloom of a castle.

The name escaped him, but he knew he had seen him before.

“Sleep,” the man said to him, “Rest. Soon you will begin your new life as The Font.”