Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pig Man

Pig Man Review

When daddy travels, his little girl has nightmares about the Pig Man. Her mother thinks he is just a dream, but the misshaped demon stands at the bottom of the stairs and watches out the window. Why is he there and what is he waiting for?

A Short Story from the author of "Demons and Other Inconveniences".

Friday, December 30, 2011

THE GATEWAY (Harbinger of Doom Volume 1)

THE GATEWAY (Harbinger of Doom Volume 1) Review

When mad sorcerers open a gateway to the very pits of hell, releasing outre demons of darkest nightmare upon the world, only the intrepid knights of House Eotrus stand in their way. Claradon Eotrus takes up the mantle of his noble house to avenge his father and hold back the tide of chaos that threatens to engulf the world and destroy mankind. Claradon recruits Angle Theta and Gabriel Garn, mysterious knights of mystical power to stand with him. Theta and Garn take up their swords one last time against the coming darkness -- a darkness from which only one will emerge.

The Gateway is the first story in the Harbinger of Doom saga. The epic tale continues in The Fallen Angle. The book, Harbinger of Doom collects The Gateway and The Fallen Angle into a single volume. Volume 3 of the Saga is entitled, Knight Eternal. Each volume is available in Kindle and Trade Paperback formats.

The Harbinger of Doom saga centers around one Lord Angle Theta, an enigmatic warrior of unknown origins and mystical power. No mortal man is his match in battle. No sorcery can contain or confound him. No scholar or sage can outwit him. But for all his skills, he is but one of us; a man, a human, who shares our faults, our dreams, and our ambitions. He boldly strides across the land, fearless, peerless, and cloaked in mystery, all his will bent on righting such wrongs as he deems fit.
Until the day the Gateway opened and turned the world on its head. On that fateful day, Korrgonn came and washed away our dreams. And his infernal realms of chaos set their unholy mark upon our world and claimed it for their own.
Only Theta and his companions see the enemies aligning against us. Only they foresee our end coming - the end of civilization, the end of the world of man. Only they can hope to turn the tide of madness and preserve all that we hold dear.
But no man, not even our greatest hero, can stand against the Lords of Chaos and the dark armies of Nifleheim at their command. Fiends that infiltrate unseen within our ranks, that tear down our temples and our traditions; that devour us from within, unseen, unknown, unheralded, and unopposed until the hour grows far too late.
Through the murk and mist that hangs before our eyes, one man only sees true. One man pierces the veil of magic that blinds us all and marks the world as it truly is, revealing secrets, secrets of Angle Theta, so horrifying as to shatter a man's mind and call into question the very nature of good and evil.

The Harbinger of Doom Saga
The Gateway
The Fallen Angle
Knight Eternal
Dwellers of the Deep
Book 5+ (forthcoming)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Run Review

For fans of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Thomas Harris, picture this: a landscape of American genocide...

5 D A Y S A G O
A rash of bizarre murders swept the country…
Senseless. Brutal. Seemingly unconnected.
A cop walked into a nursing home and unloaded his weapons on elderly and staff alike.
A mass of school shootings.
Prison riots of unprecedented brutality.
Mind-boggling acts of violence in every state.

4 D A Y S A G O
The murders increased ten-fold…

3 D A Y S A G O
The President addressed the nation and begged for calm and peace…

2 D A Y S A G O
The killers began to mobilize…

All the power went out…

They’re reading the names of those to be killed on the Emergency Broadcast System. You are listening over the battery-powered radio on your kitchen table, and they’ve just read yours.

Your name is Jack Colclough. You have a wife, a daughter, and a young son. You live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. People are coming to your house to kill you and your family. You don’t know why, but you don’t have time to think about that any more.

You only have time to….


This 80,000-word novel also contains a bonus interview with Blake, and excerpts from his other work.

About the Author:

BLAKE CROUCH was born near the piedmont town of Statesville, North Carolina in 1978. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated in 2000 with degrees in English and Creative Writing. Blake is the author of five novels and numerous short stories. He lives with his family in southwest Colorado, where he is at work on a new book. His website is


[In SNOWBOUND], Crouch builds suspense as lines blur between good and bad, and plot twists continue to the last sentence. Absolutely compelling.

ABANDON…demands to be read in one sitting, so you can better appreciate the beauty of Crouch’s storytelling…[O]ne of those books that almost instantly puts you in the mind of a classic.

Weaving the past and present together with such seamless skill that from the prologue to the last page, this book captures the imagination. [ABANDON] has the arc and flow of a master storyteller. Easily my favorite book of this year.

Highly recommended, this is easily one of the best this year.

ABANDON is terrific…a great storyteller hitting his stride.

Gut wrenching...the writing is tight, the plots exciting, the suspense unending...Crouch tops my list.

Expertly paced and viscerally effective, with many surprises and genuine chills.

Blake Crouch is the most exciting new thriller writer I've read in years.

Harrowing...terrific...a whacked out combination of Stephen King and Cormac McCarthy.

Crouch delivers his description of place with vivid prose...his carefully crafted characters make the story immediate, intense and thoroughly believable.

This is a complex, cleverly constructed novel of motive, and Crouch takes his time bringing us through the story...a great debut. Crouch is an author to watch.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tales for a Dark Night--An anthology of horror--DRM-free

Tales for a Dark Night--An anthology of horror--DRM-free Review

This it the DRM-free edition of Tales for a Dark NIght,

Lights moving in the graveyard. The dead come to life. Whispering voices in the shadows and the dark.

The sun is setting; the night will be dark. And those things hatched in the shadows will come out and possess it. Fear treads heavily, fear of the unseen and even the seen. What will dash out from the corners? What is there in the recesses I cannot see, behind me, to the side, in front? Is it real or is it imagined?

These are stories of the imagination. These are stories for the night. These are stories of the fear that stalks us in the night time.

A house that wasn’t there before.
The sound of crying from underground.
A harrowing night in room 636.
A woman in white.
Lights in the graveyard.
A clown and his trick.
A blind man’s message.
The smiling stranger.

These are tales of the strange, the frightening, the bizarre.

This work is 43000 words.

From the author of The Joining.

Friday, December 23, 2011

101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die

101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die Review

Vampires, monsters, sadistic psychopaths, serial killers, vengeful ghosts, and Satan himself have been frightening and entertaining filmgoers for generations. This comprehensive, chronological film guide summarizes the 101 most important horror movies ever produced, from the 1922 silent classic Nosferatu to the low-budget, 1999 Sundance Film Festival hit, The Blair Witch Project. General editor Stephen Jay Schneider presents film summaries, reviews from a wide array of critics, cast and credit lists, and film production notes. The book's 200 illustrations include unforgettable still shots from the movies as well as iconic film posters. Horror film buffs who open this book will renew their chilling memories of Hitchcock thrillers like Psycho and The Birds, revisit Dr. Frankenstein's castle with Boris Karloff, haunt the sewers of Paris with Lon Chaney's Phantom of the Opera, and recall Anthony Hopkins' most chilling role in The Silence of the Lambs. 101 Horror Movies is international in scope, and covers films from Japan, Russia, Italy, Germany, France, and Australia. Fans of horror movies will want to see all 101 films before they die--and they'll also want to own this entertaining and informative book.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunruined: Horror Stories

Sunruined: Horror Stories Review

Seven bleak stories from Andersen Prunty.

The Jackthief
The Screaming Orchard
Glowers Point
Cruel Women with Whiplike Smiles
The Smoke of Samuel
Sad Clown, Kentucky

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Snowmen Review

In this short story - Edgar Davies is an old man with no friends, and no family. The only joy in his life are the snowmen he builds every year, which children from all over Pennsylvania come to see. When fate intervenes though, it's revealed that Edgar is not the man everyone thought he was.

Also includes an exclusive three-chapter preview of James Melzer's newest novella, Hull's Landing. Available now.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Moonlight Review

No more room.

It began with a power outage. A power outage that went beyond lights and televisions. Clocks stopped telling time. Cell phones no longer received signals. Cars became dead relics that wouldn't start. As the world around them becomes darker, so do the inhabitants of the small town of Westmont, Illinois. A mysterious and evil presence has taken a hold over the village, making the once peaceful town a place of violence and despair. A small group of individuals, untouched by this presence, must uncover the mystery of why they remain normal and discover what (or who) is taking control of their town, one soul at a time. Because the Man in the Dark Coat is out there. Hunting them. And not everyone can remain untouched forever.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Under the Bed and Funny Cats: 2 Somewhat Silly Horror Short Stories

Under the Bed and Funny Cats: 2 Somewhat Silly Horror Short Stories Review

Two campy short stories by Joshua Scribner.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Videodrome: Studies in the Horror Film

Videodrome: Studies in the Horror Film Review

Released in 1983, David Cronenberg's Videodrome is one of his most original and provocative works, fusing social commentary with shocking elements of sex and violence. Crossing the boundary between science fiction, horror, and social criticism, Videodrome remains a unique and brilliant work in the oeuvre of cinema's greatest maverick.

Tim Lucas had behind-the-scenes access to every facet of production when Videodrome was filmed in 1981. His unique perspective provides interviews with cast and crew, including exclusive, never-before-published interviews with Cronenberg, commentary and analysis of the film, and over sixty black-and-white and color photographs, many never before seen.

Videodrome is the first in the Studies in the Horror Film series, which aims to present critical and popular discussion of the great horror films in affordable, attractive packages.

Tim Lucas is the editor of Video Watchdog magazine, which specializes in critical discussions of popular and obscure horror, fantasy, and science fiction films. He is also a renowned and astute film critic and award-winning writer.