Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Grip: A Horror Short Story

The Grip: A Horror Short Story Review

The Grip: A Horror Short Story

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Lt. Cready and Engineer Andreas Chavez have been chosen to man a claustrophobic outpost on the outer edge of the solar system. After a year and a half with no word from Earth, nerves become frayed and tensions mount as Cready begins to suspect that his friend isn't entirely human.

Note: This short story is 3000 words (around 12 pages)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Second Coming: A horror novel

Second Coming: A horror novel Review

Second Coming: A horror novel

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At first Greg Davidson thought there was a problem with his printer. But after the town’s residents were found murdered, mutilated in the same chilling fashion his printouts described, he realized he had an even bigger problem. He had moved to a small upstate town, hoping to start his life over after a divorce. Once a bestselling horror writer, he thought he could pull his career back on track by changing genres and beginning a new novel. Except it seems that Karma has intervened—after years of creating nightmares, he has found that he cannot escape them. Has, in fact, stumbled right into one. To make matters worse, the murderers aren’t even human. If they were werewolves, vampires, or zombies—something right out of a horror novel—Greg might at least have an idea how to deal with them. But they aren’t. They are entirely different. Entirely . . . worse. Now Greg must pair up with the only person who doesn’t think he’s insane—his attractive neighbor’s teenage son—and together they must stop evil before it has a chance to ravage the town and destroy life as they know it, including Greg's second chance at love.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Final Winter

The Final Winter Review

The Final Winter

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THE SNOW WAS JUST THE START... On a night when it begins snowing in every country of the world, an ordinary group of people gather at a rundown English pub. At first they assume the weather is just a random occurrence and nothing to worry about - but as the night goes on, weirder things happen, and they start to realise that something far more sinister is at hand. Something that none of them could ever have imagined. By the end of the night, not everyone will make it, and those that do will wish they hadn’t. ***SPECIAL EDITION BONUS CONTENT*** Includes 6 short stories set during the events of The Final Winter and one additional, unrelated, gruesome tale,THE PEELING OF SAMUEL LLOYD COLLINS.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Animal Kingdom: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

Animal Kingdom: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel Review

Animal Kingdom: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

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Aside from being freakishly tall, Joe is just an ordinary divorcee taking his son, Danny, to the zoo for his weekend of custody. Everything is going great until a bizarre snake attack sends everybody in the zoo running for cover. It isn't long before Joe realizes that there is a lot more going on than a simple snake attack. And if the hungry lions, roaring gorillas and charging elephants now free from their cages have anything to say about it, there is more bloodshed to come. All of the world’s animals are attacking, and no one knows why. What they do know is that man is now on the bottom of the food chain.


7 Short stories by Iain Rob Wright and Eric S. Brown


"Cuddle up to this novel and it might rip your throat out. A fun, thrilling read!" David T. Wilbanks - Co-author of Dead Earth: The Vengeance Road

"Animal Kingdom is one of the BEST horror books I have read in YEARS!" - Eric S. Brown, author of Last Stand in a Dead Land


Iain Rob Wright, was born in 1984 and lives in Redditch, a small town in the UK, with his loopy cocker spaniels, Daisy and Oscar, his fat old cat, Jess, his many tropical fish, and the love of his life, Sally. Writing is the passion that fills his life during the small periods of time when he isn’t cleaning up after his pets. His favourite things are Chinese food, good white wine, Family Guy, and Disneyworld... Horror is his beloved genre and his many inspirations range from the twisted minds of Brian Keene, Stephen King, and Richard Laymon, to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Gateway: (Harbinger of Doom)

The Gateway: (Harbinger of Doom) Review

The Gateway: (Harbinger of Doom)

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In The Gateway, Glenn G. Thater transports us to an age of high adventure where knights battle supernatural horrors, magic is real but hidden, and the line between good and evil is all too thin.
This first volume in the epic Harbinger of Doom series is certain to delight fantasy fans everywhere.
The Harbinger of Doom saga centers around one Lord Angle Theta, an enigmatic warrior of unknown origins and mystical power. No mortal man is his match in battle. No sorcery can contain or confound him. No scholar or sage can outwit him. But for all his skills, he is but one of us; a man, a human, who shares our faults, our dreams, and our ambitions. He boldly strides across the land, fearless, peerless, and cloaked in mystery; all his will bent on righting such wrongs as he deems fit. Until the day the Gateway opened and turned the world on its head. On that fateful day, Korrgonn came and washed away our dreams. And his outre' realms of chaos set their unholy mark upon our world and claimed it for their own. Only Theta and his companions see the enemies aligning against us. Only they foresee our end coming -- the end of civilization, the end of the world of man. Only they can hope to turn the tide of madness and preserve all that we hold dear. But no man, not even our greatest hero, can stand against the Lords of Chaos and the dark armies of Nifleheim at their command. Fiends that infiltrate unseen within our ranks, that tear down our temples and our traditions; that devour us from within, unseen, unknown, unheralded, and unopposed until the hour grows far too late. Through the murk and mist that hangs before our eyes, one man only sees true. One man pierces the veil of magic that blinds us all and marks the world as it truly is, revealing secrets, secrets of Angle Theta, so horrifying as to shatter a man's mind and call into question the very nature of good and evil.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bury the Children in the Yard: Horror Stories

Bury the Children in the Yard: Horror Stories Review

Bury the Children in the Yard: Horror Stories

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Andersen Prunty (author of FUCKNESS and HI I’M A SOCIAL DISEASE) returns with another collection of horror stories. This volume features: “The Library of Trespass”, “Music from the Slaughterhouse”, “A Butterfly in Ice”, “The Spot”, “Laundrymen”, “The Warm House”, and the novella “Bury the Children in the Yard.”

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Dark, Dark House

The Dark, Dark House Review

The Dark, Dark House

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Flash Fiction.

In a dark forest, there is a dark house with an even darker secret.

(Flash fiction is a story that would fit on two facing pages of a typical digest-sized literary magazine - a complete story in one thousand or fewer words. A tale between 300 - 1000 words. Flash Fiction is usually a story of a single act, sometimes the culmination of several unwritten events. They are very short, but they are still stories. The best ones sometimes have a very strong message.)